Killing Time on Long Rides/Flights: The Ultimate Guide for Enthusiastic Travelers

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Every traveler, whether a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time adventurer, has faced the daunting prospect of long hours on rides or flights. The concept of spending prolonged periods in a confined environment might seem tedious. However, this time can be an oasis of possibilities. This guide provides insights into making those hours both enjoyable and worthwhile.

Plan Your Entertainment

Choosing the Right Books

Books have always been a traveler’s best companion. The choice of book can dramatically alter your travel experience:

  • Fiction: Novels transport readers to different realms. From the magical worlds of fantasy to the gripping plots of thrillers, there’s a genre for every mood.
  • Non-Fiction: Consider biographies, history, or even self-help books. These provide a great chance to learn and reflect.
  • Audiobooks: These are an excellent alternative, especially for those who might experience motion sickness while reading.

Podcasts and Music

The audio world offers vast possibilities:

  • Informative Podcasts: From global events to niche topics like true crime or scientific discoveries, podcasts can be both entertaining and educational.
  • Music Playlists: Whether it’s the latest hits, classical melodies, or indie tunes, music can set the tone for your journey.

Movies and Series

Visual entertainment can make time fly:

  • Download Ahead: Ensure you’ve saved your favorite shows or movies for offline viewing.
  • Mix Genres: A variety ensures you have something for every mood, from a light-hearted comedy to a riveting drama.
man reading inside train, paris, france, person, book, metro

Work and Productivity

Offline Work

Turn travel downtime into a productive session:

  • Writing: Be it journaling, drafting reports, or even outlining a book idea, writing can be therapeutic and constructive.
  • Design: Digital artists or graphic designers can sketch or draft new concepts, making use of software available for offline use.

Online Work

If you’re not looking to disconnect entirely:

  • WiFi Access: Many modern airlines offer in-flight WiFi, enabling you to stay connected. This can be the perfect time to clear out that cluttered inbox.

Relaxation and Self-care

Meditation and Deep Breathing

Harness the power of mindfulness during your travel:

  • Guided Sessions: There are numerous apps available offering meditation modules catered to travelers.
  • Silent Meditation: The ambient noise of transportation can become a backdrop for deep introspection.


The confined environment, especially in planes, can be taxing on your skin:

  • Hydrating Masks: These combat the dryness of airplane air, rejuvenating your skin.
  • Hand Creams and Lip Balm: Combat the dryness and stay refreshed throughout your journey.

Exercise and Movement

In-seat Exercises

Staying static for extended periods isn’t ideal for the body:

  • Foot Rotations: These can aid in circulation.
  • Neck Rotations: Reduce stiffness and feel rejuvenated.


Taking breaks is crucial during long rides or flights:

  • Utilize the Space: Every once in a while, stroll down the aisles, stretch out and ensure you’re not feeling cramped.

Engage with Fellow Travelers

Share Stories

Interactions can lead to the most unexpected and memorable experiences:

  • Engage in Conversations: You might find someone with shared interests or even make a lifelong friend.

Play Games

The traditional way to bond:

  • Card or Board Games: Many compact versions are available specifically for travelers.

Learning and Personal Growth

Language Learning

Going to a foreign destination?

  • Apps and Online Courses: Equip yourself with basics, making your travels smoother.
  • Phrasebooks: These can be indispensable, helping you navigate local interactions.

Online Courses

Use the time to gain knowledge during long rides or flights:

  • Educational Platforms: Websites like Coursera or Udemy offer courses on almost any topic imaginable, from photography to philosophy.


Long rides and flights offer a plethora of opportunities, far from the mundane experiences many expect them to be. With a little preparation and the right mindset, they can be transformed into periods of relaxation, productivity, and personal growth. As you embark on your next journey, remember to see the potential in every moment and make it count.